by Jordan Oram | Sep 29, 2012 | Blog, Perspectives
I used to love watching Saturday Morning cartoons. And I remember being blown away when Launchpad McQuack (from Ducktales) became the sidekick/regular on Darkwing Duck. They can do that? I was blown away. It clearly laid the groundwork for my stoke when Worf appeared...
by Jordan Oram | Sep 27, 2012 | Blog, Perspectives
On learning not to worry Want a good method for learning not to worry? Try crossing Canada with a backpack and no firm timeline except “making it to Halifax by the fall”. Admittedly I wasn’t the most worrysome fellow when I started this trip. I like...
by Jordan Oram | Sep 27, 2012 | Blog, Perspectives
Art In Progress Montreal, Canada Everyday you pass pictures only possible right now It is now impossible to take a photo of this wall pre-paint. And a few moments after I took this it will be more painted upon by the fellow on the lift. We live in a fluid and fluxing...
by Jordan Oram | Jul 27, 2012 | Blog, Perspectives
As I was looking at the wine glass on the floor in the light and shadow I pondered about the layers of knowledge, discovery, and skill, that all lead to cultivated, harvested, fermented grapes being held in a container made of sand upon the surface comprised of trees....
by Jordan Oram | Jul 17, 2012 | Blog, Perspectives
It’s Tuesday. 4:36pm. I sit on the couch of a house of 4 guys in Winnipeg. That sounds like either a generic band name, or a canceled CBC show about a band with a generic name. Water that has been nearly boiled is in my thermos, and my guampa rests within hands...
by Jordan Oram | Jul 13, 2012 | Blog, Perspectives
The collision of ‘Where’ and ‘When’ conspire to create a giant dandelion in Winnipeg. What is the significance of this large standing stone edifice? Perchance the ancient Winnipeggers use it for some arcane astrological tracking? I wonder if.....