Saturday Mornings in bed

Saturday Mornings in bed

I used to love watching Saturday Morning cartoons. And I remember being blown away when Launchpad McQuack (from Ducktales) became the sidekick/regular on Darkwing Duck. They can do that? I was blown away. It clearly laid the groundwork for my stoke when Worf appeared...
On learning not to worry

On learning not to worry

On learning not to worry Want a good method for learning not to worry? Try crossing Canada with a backpack and no firm timeline except “making it to Halifax by the fall”. Admittedly I wasn’t the most worrysome fellow when I started this trip. I like...
Art in Progress

Art in Progress

Art In Progress Montreal, Canada Everyday you pass pictures only possible right now It is now impossible to take a photo of this wall pre-paint. And a few moments after I took this it will be more painted upon by the fellow on the lift. We live in a fluid and fluxing...
Saturday Mornings in bed

Creative Juices Flow

As I was looking at the wine glass on the floor in the light and shadow I pondered about the layers of knowledge, discovery, and skill, that all lead to cultivated, harvested, fermented grapes being held in a container made of sand upon the surface comprised of trees....
Saturday Mornings in bed

A Moment’s Musing, tea and writing

It’s Tuesday. 4:36pm. I sit on the couch of a house of 4 guys in Winnipeg. That sounds like either a generic band name, or a canceled CBC show about a band with a generic name. Water that has been nearly boiled is in my thermos, and my guampa rests within hands...
Winnipeg collision of time and place

Winnipeg collision of time and place

The collision of ‘Where’ and ‘When’ conspire to create a giant dandelion in Winnipeg. What is the significance of this large standing stone edifice? Perchance the ancient Winnipeggers use it for some arcane astrological tracking? I wonder if.....