Teaching at a University Of Oregon 400-level Social Media Marketing Class

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Over the relatively short period of time that I have known and worked with Jordan I have been impressed by, and benefited from, his ability to generate ideas.

No matter what project I’m working on, Jordan is an unending fountain of encouragement and ideas.

My eyes have been opened to a new way of looking at life because of his influence. For that I am grateful.

Curtis Cunningham

Commercial/Industrial Photographer, Photistry.com

For awhile, I’ve been sort of aimlessly getting my creative work out there. Sending out lots of tentacles and not really knowing if it was working or what I should do next. Then enters Jordan. If you need any sort of creative counseling/mentoring, he’s your dude.

We did some face to face chatting online and I really felt like I had a legitimate sounding board for my ideas. He listened. That’s rare these days. As a creative, we are always battling insecurity and he is great at letting you know that you’re not crazy, keep pushing, and here’s a great way to do it.

I love talking to him. He has great ideas and a wonderful perspective on creativity and the world. He’s been around and I love how he just gets it. I don’t go to many people for advice, like ever. I think it’s because I know I have to do things really differently in order to make them work for me. So, in my experience, not a lot of people are able to give me advice that I like without infringing upon my unique process. Jordan is great with my unique bent on things. He convinced me to just go for some new ventures and to keep up some of the old ones.

If you’re unsure of how to get your creativity to work for you and to take the next step, or if you just need a sounding board, do some mentoring with Jordan. I will, for sure, be calling on him again.

Carrie Hilgert

VIsual Artist, carrieblueberry

Contact Jordan For A Free Consultation