Saanich Peninsula Moonlight Beach Photoadventure Spectacular

A Morning by the Gate of Harmonious Interest

A Morning by the Gate of Harmonious Interest Chinatown, Victoria, British Columbia  I woke up on the futon to the sound of my Dad typing away on the computer across from me in the living room. We shared this small apartment for the 2.5 years I lived in Victoria while...
Saanich Peninsula Moonlight Beach Photoadventure Spectacular

An Early Morning’s Gift

Catching the 6:20am ferry? That means you get to take pictures like this as the world awakens. Catcthing the 6:20am ferry? Also means getting up at 4:45am and being at the bus stop at 5:25am to ride down coast to the terminal. There are so many reasons I could have...
Saanich Peninsula Moonlight Beach Photoadventure Spectacular

In the Kitchen

In the Kitchen This photo makes me think about how interconnected our world is. About how we try to create separation and distinctions between things such as ‘food’ and ‘trash’, and yet how intermingled and close to each other they are. Seeing...