Waking up and sharing morning space and conversation with old friends is always a special and unique time.

Our lives and paths don’t intersect as often as they once did, and these moments have more poignancy for it.

I can remember Nathan, as a 15ish year old, when he was a participant of the Leadership Training program at our old camp.

I remember the summer he was the Counselor of Cabin Maple and I was his Resource Counselor.

I remember sharing random photoadventures and guitarties over the years, when our paths would come together, as we both were busy with travelling and school.

I remember his wedding, at Minter Gardens, to a girl that had become a feature of many of his stories, and how they continue to mingle and create their own story.

Now I meet him for the first time as a father with a little one of his own at home.

We all face doubts and fears, we all have challenges that are our own, and that are shared, and we all want to do the best we can, and suspect that maybe we could do better.

Nathan has always had his own way of doing things. (As with myself, that has advantages and challenges.)

But he continues to move forward and do well.

To live learn and grow.

He’s grown much since I met him as a mid-teen kid, photobombing as many cabin photos as he could.
And he’s done a good job of it too.

It’s wonderful to see that he is, and will always be, Nathan. Just wiser, deeper, zanier, timelier, more so.

He is the sum of all of those happenings, and he is becoming more.
He is pretty awesome.

As are we all