April 20th, 2012 – Shawnigan Lake – Day 5/214

Life teaches many lessons.
And many lessons are stretched over many seasons.
Some we learn once, some we repeat, repeatedly.

One lesson I’ve encountered repeatedly, is that answers to challenges come on their own schedule, and not one you’d necessarily ordained.

This photo was taken almost a year ago.
It wasn’t my favourite of the few taken that morning, but it is amongst the bunch of photos from which I will compile my first book of this trip, and over which I’ve struggled and grappled with the past 3 months.

I edit it today, into this form that I really like, with software I received only recently. With methods I learned from a tutorial I watched yesterday.

This photo, in this form, was impossible for me to create, draw forth, share, until now.

My lesson? There is very little to be gained from stressing and worrying.There are seasons and times for things. The past months of work, travel, photography, and book making struggle? Were of value but not a failure, and it wasn’t yet time for me to have the skills and ability to do what I will now.

By all means, work and strive to create, craft, and develop awesomeness.

But allow the journey.

Don’t stress the journey.

There will be more hills, more mountains, more valleys, more cold rivers to ford, chasms to climb, and fields to frolic through.

I wonder how many times I’ll have to repeat this lesson before I find a new one to repeatedly bonk my noggin into? 😉

And thank you to all who make this possible.
My journey isn’t mine alone.
It is ours.



and yes, I’ll ask.
If you find value in what I share, in what I do, please consider dropping a few dollars into my paypal hat if you’d like to support me as I continue to do what I do.