Victoria BC – Monday, August 25th

Vancouver BC – Friday, August 29th


I’m very excited to have lined up two venues for some real world eBook launch/speaking events on the Canadian West Coast!

Each event will include me sharing photos and stories from the trip that became my Crossing Canada eBook, as well as some of the ideas behind what I do, and why I do it!

It is also my pleasure to introduce and highlight a few special guests unique to each location.

Victoria Event 3


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webmeister Bud (of


Rifflandia Portrait-1

Tyson Elder (of

The night will end with a Question & Answer time.

This is an opportunity for many of you to come out and meet me in person and I hope you’ll be able to attend!

You can sign up to attend the Victoria event on facebook here

(The Vancouver event isn’t yet available but I’ll update this post once it is.)

It’s been a long time coming and I hope I can see a number of you before I head away on a very exciting adventure that I’ve been looking forward to for many months now!

May you have a great slumber and/or a grand day!

Jordan Oram aka the Maplemusketeer