7 Dunbar, Vancouver, British Columbia

Some people won’t take pictures through the bus windows because of the glare, reflections, smeg, etc. I understand. I feel those reservations every time I start, but I continue knowing that I’ll end up with images that can still resonate. On my way to Drink & Click Vancouver, on Saturday, I rode the #7 Dunbar bus downtown. I took some pictures through the window, despite the glare, reflections, and smeg.

Wonderments lurk everywhere.
Waiting to be seen, shot, and shared.
Here’s some of what I saw.



A spawning mural

A spawning mural

Leaves about to deploy

Leaves about to deploy

Passing through Chinatown

Passing through Chinatown

The Gate to Chinatown

The Gate to Chinatown

Looking Up

Looking Up

Looking a little lower

Looking a little lower

I was aided in taking these pictures by the fact that I was using a 5omm f1.8 lens that allowed for faster shutter speeds out the side window. This allows for the images to be crisper and not blurry. If I had a slower lens I’d be careful to shoot more when the bus is stopped, or if I were in a car, I’d also shoot out the front windshield.

I hope you have some ideas and encouragement from this, and are able to go see some more wonder around you today.