The collision of ‘Where’ and ‘When’ conspire to create a giant dandelion in Winnipeg.
What is the significance of this large standing stone edifice? Perchance the ancient Winnipeggers use it for some arcane astrological tracking? I wonder if.. back in the day it was used to alight upon their new king? Can it be that I have now received the favor of Sol to become the new god-king of Winnipeg? At this moment right now are a secret sect of druids watching and waiting to see what becomes of this ominous portent?
…. it’s probably just some artsy statue thing.
(Besides which.. I’d rather not be king.. I’m more of an Elminster )
If I could extend an offer of being Court Jester in your new kingdom, that would bring much joy to my heart, my friend!
Great shot and post, my dad was born and raised in Winnipeg but I don’t remember him mentioning anything about druids.
hahah!! Thank you Toad!
Though I think I would gladly trade my kingdom here, for a small retreat/wellness/creative community on the West Coast